About the Site
Hey! I see you have stumbled upon my daaaarkk and scaarryy website where I post informational ramblings. Welcome!!! I have been anticipating your arrival... or something. Muahahaha.
This site was founded in November of 2024 with the purpose of hosting information about history; more specifically war history and true crime. Poke around in the sidebar and see if anything tickles your fancy...

About the Author
My name is Ethan and I live in the U.S. :)! I've had a really intense fixation on war history since I was super young, and my true crime interest only became intense around this year (2024). I like writing and I like writing about things that I like. Hence... this website.
Please talk to me, ask me questions, whatever. My favorite true crime case is Sandy Hook; I've done the most research on Adam Lanza and the Sandy Hook shooting. But, I dabble. My focus in war history is mainly on WW1 (& its aftermath) and military planes. I also appreciate a good firearm from time to time. Who doesn't?